NaNo 13k.

Been enjoying writing but struggling to fit time in. A couple new things this year:

– scenes are set up at five per chapter, each scene at 1000 word goal.
– as it’s a fantasy novella, I’ve added a section where I can write short (about 500 words) myths legends and fairy tales. These will not only be helpful for the story itself, but as they’re outside the narrative flow I can write them when I don’t have access to my scrivener files.

It’s started.

As one of about sixteen people in all of Montclair who did not lose power… well, I’m lucky. Also, I do wish I could have started oh say a week early?

But NaNo has started, and even though I was out much of the weekend I did manage to not get too far behind (even if i’m not ahead).

Managed to figure out a way to approach the fantasy series without boring myself. Problem: this is set up as a novella series. Which means that 50k is on the high side. Still I feel like doing two at 25k is a bit slow. I’ll have to see how it goes.

Heck if I do 35k of story and 15k of world building to be excised later I think I’ll be doing good.

This one even has a working title!

NaNoWriMo 2012

I am doing my setup for this year’s NaNo and am wondering if it would be better this year to just write for a certain amount of time.

How far behind would I get, were I to do it time based rather than word based?

Next year

So last night I thought about what I want to do next year (novella series) what genre I’d like to play with next (fantasy) and started brainstorming ideas for it.

I had stayed away from fantasy due to the amount of world-building I thought would be involved, but decided to work on something more character based and fill in the details later [a bit like how I am handling the historic elements in my current book].

Still, as I would not be writing this for another 8 months, that will give me lots of time to brainstorm and create a skeleton.