It’s started.

As one of about sixteen people in all of Montclair who did not lose power… well, I’m lucky. Also, I do wish I could have started oh say a week early?

But NaNo has started, and even though I was out much of the weekend I did manage to not get too far behind (even if i’m not ahead).

Managed to figure out a way to approach the fantasy series without boring myself. Problem: this is set up as a novella series. Which means that 50k is on the high side. Still I feel like doing two at 25k is a bit slow. I’ll have to see how it goes.

Heck if I do 35k of story and 15k of world building to be excised later I think I’ll be doing good.

This one even has a working title!

Day Five, 1960 words

Took a couple hours to get this far, but then again, I wasn’t doing sprints.

More sprints:
– Character Study: Tomy;
– Scene Study: Umut’s on Radio Row.

I think it’s about time to do these. Hoping I get a couple of new things to explore in the next few days of writing the main story–they really help expand things and increase my word count. Also, I worry less about them.

I think in the future I may just start doing them within the body text of the story. Not sure–one of the reasons they may be easier to create is that I’m not doing them as part of the main narrative, but as tangential.