day four, 5266

I dreamed about my story last night. That was… disconcerting a bit.

I am very happy that I feel like I am getting things together in such a way that I have enough structure to propel me forward but not so much that I feel trapped, locked in, and the story has nothing to tell me.

I write as much for my characters to surprise me as anything else.

It always seems so mystical and strange that the characters write the story except that for me, they do. I’m not sure how it psychologically synthesizes, but Gene told me that I needed to write his own story or the story that I told last year wouldn’t make sense.

And now I know how he afforded all those radios on that FBI salary. I always wondered.

I appreciate him letting me in on his secrets.

Day Four, Part Two – 1137 words, 20 minutes

Sprint two, about the office, done.

I’m not sure if I need 20 minutes on item 3; and I’m not sure if I’m enough into the store for four and five.

May do ten minutes on the police station and save the other two for later on in the weekend.

Right now I’m over my daily word count without even touching the narrative part–and I definitely want to spend an hour at least on that.

Day 4 – part one, 1010 words, 20 minutes

Did a sprint about what the protagonist’s apartment looks like. Hit over a thousand words in twenty minutes. Didn’t worry about tone, or voice, or anything, just talked it through in writing.

Helped a lot. There’s definitely usable stuff there for the main body of the story. I’m going to try to do one or two more 20 minute sprints today and then write for an hour on the main story line. That should boost my word count as well.

next possible sprint topics:
– description of office
– description of police station
– description of Umut’s in Radio Row
– character study of the man in the glen plaid suit.