day 15 21592

haven’t quite felt the need to post as often as I have in the past, and it may be because, well, I have more of an idea what i”m doing.

That is: I know why things are going the way they are.

once I hit editing phase I’ll have to post constantly however. I have no idea what i”m doing there.

day 15, 1673

I’d probably get more writing done if my writing sessions didn’t start with 30 minutes of noodling on the internet….

Would have liked a couple hundred more words today, but this is fine. Probably should try to catch up before I skip another day [or have another light day].

day 15, 2134 words

My first day off, yesterday. But today flowed well. Could have kept writing even if I had more time, but I want to save the setup for tomorrow.

Set pieces seem to flow. It’s good. I’d had a vague idea of where i wanted the story to go around 5k words, but i had no idea how it’d make it, but the connections are still happening.

This week is crazy busy; let’s hope I can make my daily counts. If I can come close, I should be able to get ahead slightly this weekend.

Still a bit rocky, but it’s going….