day 12, 32 pages

I’m behind, but I’m trying not to give up.

Should be at 40 pages today.

since my goal is to just become more fluent (no pun intended) with dialogue, the whole thing appears to be an exercise in nonsense.

which suits me just fine.

Day Twenty-Seven, 3001

Three sessions:
10m 519
30m 907
60m 1575

If I can do one more session today with at least 1500 words, I may get my goal of 50k words in open office by Sunday. I’ll know then how many I lose when I submit them to the NaNo word counter.

Then complete the last scene on Monday, to make up for the eaten words.

Day Twenty-Six, 3640 so far

two hourlong sessions: 1765 and 1875.

So here’s what I learned:

I cannot cannot cannot outline. I outlined the last nine steps of the book and then couldn’t write them, because they were wrong. I just worried that continuing to write without a plan would make the book a bit like the never-ending plays I’d make my family endure when I was eight.

So I sat down today with a couple of questions and just jumped in where I’d left off, and tried to see where it’d take me.

I am liking where it is taking me–and I also think it’ll give me a far more satisfactory path to the ending.

Now, let’s just see if I can do another 1700 words this afternoon.